Ways to Build Your Instagram Branding Strategy

Grey slippers styled beside a bagel on a plate, with a cup of coffee on top of a magazine

Instagram is an incredibly popular social media account with over 800 million users and no sign of slowing down! With so many people competing to work with brands, you’ve probably wondered how you can implement an Instagram branding strategy to grow your business and grow your influence. Instagram is definitely more than just posting a photo … Read more

How to Go Viral on Instagram

A paper cup of coffee on two books

If you want to know how to go viral on Instagram, I’m going to show you the easiest way possible. It’s the same method I used to go viral and the best part? You don’t need a huge account to get started (in fact, even if you only have 20 followers, this method will work … Read more

Photo Editing Apps and Tips

image with text overlay: free lightroom presets + how I edit my instagram photos

I love Instagram and photography. Which is why I wanted to take a moment to talk about some of my favourite tools to use for editing my photos. Edit In Lightroom  If you want to have consistency across your images, Lightroom is an incredible tool to have! And at only $9.99 a month for both … Read more