4 Signs It’s Time To Quit Your Blog

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An image with text overlay that says: 4 signs it's time to quit your blog and move on

People grow and change. Change can be scary but it can also be good for you.

Five years ago I was working in an accounting department and thinking of taking my CPA exam to become an accountant.

Today, I’m doing the total opposite as a designer and content creator.

But I’m thankful for both careers and the change that came with them.

Maybe when you started your blog you felt empowered and motivated to really do it. But blogging isn’t easy.

Maintaining a good blog means doing lots of research, writing a ton, sitting isolated at your computer for hours and trying to find a way to promote, grow your email list and a mountain of other duties.

Some people love this and others realize that they hate it.

It certainly isn’t an easy job and just like any other career, sometimes it’s best to say good-bye and move onto something else.

So how do you know when it’s time to quit blogging and move onto something else?

1. You Don’t Write Anymore

If your last blog post was written months ago (or maybe you can’t even remember when you wrote the last one) then you probably should re-consider whether blogging is right for you.

If you want to have a successful blog, there needs to be some type of consistency.

Posting every few months will just end up being a waste of time.

2. You Dread The Writing Process

Writer’s block sucks and I hate when I can’t seem to wrangle up the right words (or any words for that matter).

But I know that in order to create content, I have to ride out the peaks and valleys of my writing process. If you dread sitting down to write, blogging isn’t something you should be doing.

3. You’ve Changed Direction

Perhaps when you first began your blog you pictured yourself with a growing readership but after a while, you found something else.

Maybe your social media accounts are growing faster than you anticipated and you’re spending more time working as an influencer.

If you’ve found that you have changed direction since starting a blog, ask yourself if a blog still fits into the big picture.

4. You Spend Significantly More Than You Make

Lots of blogs just don’t end up making money and if you started your blog as a source of income but it’s starting to cost significantly more to run than you are earning, it’s time to revise your strategy.

Growing a profitable blog can take lots of time but you shouldn’t go broke in the process.

Giving Your Blog a Second Chance

You’re reading this most likely because you aren’t sure what your next steps with your blog should be.

Luckily, you don’t need to make an immediate decision right now because your blog isn’t going anywhere (until your domain expires).

Alternatives to Blogging

Blogging isn’t the only thing that can bring your website in massive amounts of traffic. There are tons of blogging alternatives such as:

  • infographic creation
  • YouTube
  • case studies
  • podcasts
  • influencer marketing

So if you are finding blogging to be something that you’d like to ditch, consider some of the above content marketing techniques instead.

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