Meta AI Characters: Everything You Need to Know

A styled photo of a cellphone on top of a book, sitting beside a keyboard

You may have recently seen videos of famous influencers and celebrities making their way around Instagram. Like this one that looks a lot like Kendall Jenner but is actually Billie—someone here to “give you advice and act like your older sister”: Or this one, where Paris Hilton is playing Amber the detective: Currently, there are … Read more

TikTok vs Instagram: Which Platform is Best for You?

Picture of hands holding a cell phone and clicking on the TikTok app

I vividly remember my first time scrolling through videos on TikTok. As I swiped through copious videos of people dancing and lipsyncing, I thought to myself, “oh my gosh, I feel old,” and “wait…I kind of love this.“ It almost reminded me of Instagram’s early days–back when we posted grainy brunch photos with that horrible … Read more

TikTok Stats Every Marketer Should Know

A person typing on a laptop with a cup of coffee beside them

TikTok is growing rapidly and shows no signs of slowing down. If you want to use TikTok for business, you need to know these TikTok stats. The statistics below will help you make smart decisions about your social media marketing strategy, so you can get more likes on TikTok, get more followers on TikTok, and … Read more

How to Find the Best Time to Post on TikTok

A home office with a laptop, camera and magazine on a wood table

When is the best time to post on TikTok? The answer might surprise you! Today, I’m going to show you how you can find the best time to upload your videos so you can simultaneously get more likes, more followers, and maybe even become TikTok famous. I’ve also spoken with several TikTokers who have gone … Read more

Three Instagram Message Recovery Strategies: Recover Deleted Messages

Hand holding a cell phone in front of a laptop

Whether you’re a business or an individual, you’ve probably used Instagram Direct Messages to stay in touch with friends or answer questions from a potential customer. Like our emails, our Instagram messages hold a lot of important information, and losing those messages can be stressful. If you’re wondering, “can I recover deleted Instagram messages?” you’ll … Read more

A List of Instagram Business Categories

Did you know that there are over 1,500 Instagram business categories you can choose from for your Instagram business account? That’s right—over 1,500! Instagram business categories can help your followers understand what type of services or products you offer. And with over 1,500, there’s no shortage of categories to describe your business. What are Instagram … Read more

Different Types of Instagram Accounts: Personal and Professional

A styled stock photo of a keyboard, a cup of coffee, a notepad and a cell phone all on a desk.

Did you know that Instagram currently has three types of Instagram accounts? Instagram has grown a lot over the years, and with that growth, users began to require different features to meet their needs. Thus, Instagram decided to create three different types of Instagram accounts that will allow individuals and businesses to succeed with their … Read more