How to use social media to build your personal brand

A desk with a plant beside it and artwork on the wall behind a computer.

This is a guest post from Megan MacNeill, a Personal Brand Strategist who helps professionals achieve personal & professional goals without sacrificing what is important. Personal branding is simply what people like, feel and say about you. Building yours takes conscious effort of putting yourself out there to influence and attract the right people and … Read more

5 Reasons Why Branding Your Business Is Important

A rainbow toy on a white desk

A brand goes past your logo, and in the long run, branding your business properly will help you attract new customers, retain your customers and increase your profits. But what exactly is a brand? I like to tell my clients that a brand is any touch-points or visuals their company has, that the customer will/could … Read more

How To Define And Develop A Strong Brand Voice

A girl typing on her laptop

Defining your brand voice can be a tricky part of your business. A good brand voice will be able to connect with your customers on a deeper level. But what exactly is your brand voice? Well, it’s not any audio aspects to your brand. It’s not your theme song or your podcast intro. By definition, … Read more

How To Create A Brand (On A Budget)

image with text overlay: how to build a brand on a buget

You’ve probably heard the term “brand strategy” or “brand management“. Maybe you know exactly what branding means or maybe you feel like it’s just an elusive buzzword marketing professionals use. But deep down, you know that companies who know how to create a brand (and sustain it) do well in the long run. You don’t need … Read more