Hook Persuade Convert 2

Write more content in less time.

+ increase engagement to your posts in the process

Get a framework + templates to help you write highly-engaging content in a fraction of the time.

Write content that makes people sit up and notice your brand. Here’s what you get:


101 hook templates

Writing a good hook is the hardest part. Now you don’t have to. I crafted up 101 hook templates you can use and customize for any niche.


Pull everything together and easily write your content with a worksheet to guide you each step of the way.

200+ power-word bank

Get over 200 power words (a.k.a. emotion-evoking words) divided into different categories so you can include the right words to make your readers feel a certain way.

A persuasive writing framework

Steal my framework that smartly blends logic, persuasion, and emotion. This combo is a powerhouse when trying to craft engaging content.

Steal the writing framework I use to get results like this:

Makes it effortless to write content for:

Social media captions

Write content for captions on places like Instagram and Facebook and watch as your engagement climbs as more people take the time to actually interact with the posts you create.

Blog intros

Write newsletters your subscribers are excited to get—and read—every time you hit send.

Email newsletters

No more scratching your head while trying to write the intro to your blog post. Lean on hooks to write your intro in a snap and carry on with the framework throughout the rest of your piece.

Ready for higher engagement on your content?
